Educating Mary - Chapter 3 of 3

The sultry look in those half-closed eyes spoke of profound sexual arousal. Occasionally the muscles in her buttocks would clench, and each time a shudder of pleasure ran through her firm, slender body. Every time this display would be followed by a tightening of the muscles in her thighs as she squirmed, trying to squeeze her long legs together to put some sorely needed pressure on her pussy, but for easily discernible reasons, she remained frustrated.

This obvious reason for her frustration was the restraints around her wrists and ankles. Padded but solid leather cuffs encircled her wrists, fine but equally solid steel chains running from the cuffs up to a pair of massive eyelet screws embedded in the solid oak beam that ran the length of the room. The 22-year old woman's legs were secured by similar leather manacles, bolted directly into the wooden dais on which she was standing. The net effect of this was that Mary was standing in a spread-eagle position, hands above her head and legs apart, incapable of any movement beyond squirming.

She had been standing like that for over two hours. The room was warm, so she wasn't cold, but her legs were tired and her arms had long since lost all feeling from being extended over her head for so long. Still, Mary wouldn't dream of complaining. Mistress had said that she would remain there until she came back, and Mistress' wish was Mary's command. She had no idea if Mistress had left the house on some errand or if she was still there, but that wasn't important. The only thing in Mary's mind was the sweet, throbbing ache between her legs and buttocks, and the fact that she knew that when Mistress returned, she would allow Mary release from her excitement. If, that was, she felt Mary had behaved herself in her absence.

Mary was squirming in silent frustration as the door to the room opened, and a woman stepped through. The newcomer was tall, with long blonde hair piled up on her head. Her eyes were a cold blue, her face finely chiselled with a patrician look, vaulted forehead and high cheekbones, a straight nose and full lips. She was dressed in what looked like a man's suit, with shirt, necktie, pants and a jacket, but clearly tailored to show off her spectacular figure to maximum effect. The woman had long legs, round hips, a firm arse and a pair of impressive breasts that strained against the jacket.

The blonde woman closed the door behind her, then walked across the floor towards Mary, her hips swaying provocatively. The look on Mary's face was hovering somewhere between adoration and downright worship.

I'm back, the blonde said in a sultry voice. Have you missed me, Mary?

Yes, Mistress, Mary moaned. Her breathing had quickened even more just by watching the other woman enter the room.

That's good, Mistress murmured as she reached out and cupped Mary's face in one hand. Mary closed her eyes, savouring the caress while inhaling deeply of Mistress' scent. The blonde's other hand was rubbing Mary's belly, before moving further down across her leather-clad hip and around to cup one arsecheek. Stepping in close, Mistress pressed her body against Mary's and kissed her fully on the lips. Mary's mouth opened eagerly, and the two women's tongues engaged in a by now familiar dance.

Mary felt Mistress' large breasts press against hers, and whimpered into the other woman's mouth as she tried in vain to grind her hips against Mistress', but the blonde woman kept just enough distance between them that Mary couldn't reach her. She gave Mary's arse a last playful squeeze, then pulled her lips away.

How is your bum doing, then? Mistress asked.

It's fine, Mistress, Mary murmured, looking down and blushing slightly.

Let's have a look, shall we? Mistress proposed.

Without waiting for a reply, she reached down to the fly of Mary's leather hotpants, opening it with experienced fingers. With the fly open, Mistress slipped a hand inside, palm up, and caressed Mary's dripping wet pussy. Are you wet for me, sweetie? she whispered in Mary's ear.
Comments ( 1 )
`s avatar Anonymous 2782 days ago

too short, don't atmosphere