Disclaimer -- All characters are 18 or older.
Author's note -- This story was written in collaboration with Diana R.
"Good shot!" I called out as another ball whizzed by.
What the hell have I gotten myself into? My husband's nephew, Will, was in town for spring break week with his mother, my sister in law, Carol. He was a freshman at a small university on a tennis scholarship, and he wanted to keep his ground strokes sharp while away from school, so I had promised to dust off my old racket and try to give him some practice.
"Good backhand!" I shouted as a two-hander screamed past.
I warned my sister-in-law I hardly played anymore, but she had insisted I needed to practice with him, otherwise, he wouldn't come out to visit. They lived hours away and had not been to visit in over 5 years. I was surprised when I saw Will; he had filled out nicely in those 5 years, and now he was a strapping 6'1" and a lean 160 pounds.
Still, I'm not sure what I was thinking trying to keep up with an 18-year-old on the tennis court. I'm a 53-year-old woman, and, even though I've worked hard to maintain my 34c-29-36 figure, I'm still not in the kind of shape to go toe to toe against a collegiate athlete.
I finally relented after my sister guilt tripped me into promising to practice against Will. "You just need to hit baseline with him," she insisted. "You know, I never played, but you're a good player." Correction, I was a good player. But that was a while ago now, and I can tell that Will is toying with me, hitting easy ground strokes back up the middle till he gets bored, and then he blasts one or two to the corners that I hopelessly can't catch up to.
"That was great, Aunt Diana," Will said as we wrapped up the hitting session. "Thanks for practicing with me. I want to keep my strokes sharp. The season starts in two weeks."
I laughed. "I'm not sure how much practice I actually gave you. It seemed like I was barely able to keep up with you out there."
"You did fine. You got the ball back, and that's all that matters. I can tell, you're just a little rusty. With a little extra practice, your shots would be cleaner, and you'd be hitting a bunch of winners."
"Now you're just being kind to an old lady."
"It's true. Besides, you look good out there."
"You're a terrible liar," I dead panned.
I finished packing up my tennis gear and then we headed to my SUV for the ride back to the house.
"So how is college treating you?" I asked on the ride back.
"It's been a big change. It's my first time away from home. It's hard starting over, not knowing anyone, but I'm making friends."
"Any girlfriends?" I wondered.
"I had my high school girlfriend, but she went to a different school, and doing a long-distance relationship was just too hard. We just broke up last month," he said sadly.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you date for a long time?"
"3 years," he replied.
"That's a long time. Are you doing ok?"
"Some days are better than others," he admitted.
"I'm sorry to hear that," I said, trying to comfort him.
"I've been pouring myself into tennis more than usual to take my mind off it," Will confessed. "That's why I really appreciate you taking time this week to help me practice."
"It's my pleasure. As long as you don't mind being with an old lady."
"You're not old, Aunt Diana. Honestly, your legs and that short skirt were kind of a distraction at times."
"I need every advantage on the court I can get when I'm hitting with you," I laughed. Truth be told I was flattered. I hardly play tennis anymore, but when I do, I like to wear the old school women's short tennis skirts. Partly because it's easier to maneuver around the court in a skirt that never gets in your way, but also because I've worked hard to maintain my figure, and I like to show it off a little when I get the chance. Today I wore it out of habit, not thinking I'd catch the eye of my own nephew, but it seems that may have been the case.
We got home, and I cooked dinner. It ended up being Will, Carol and myself for dinner. My husband was working late at the office, which seems to happen more often recently. Either he's working late or he's out of town on business, but the results are the same, either way; he's rarely home. So, I played the role of hostess for our family house guests, and we all enjoyed lively conversation and catching up on our lives. Carol and Will had made the time and effort to visit us, so I took the week off from work, although my husband declined to take any time-off, so that left me to entertain them.
I sneaked glances at Will and couldn't help admiring how he had grown into a good looking and strong young man. Carol is a lovely woman, but she's something of a blowhard, and Will and I exchanged knowing glances behind her back while she droned on.
That night I went to bed with mixed emotions. I had known Will since he was a little kid, but now that he had grown into a handsome young man, I felt an undeniable attraction to him. In addition to his dark-haired good looks and strong face, he was witty and polite. I'd become so used to my husband's shortcomings -- his apathy and emotional absence, that Will shone like a beacon in comparison. He reminded me so much of the emotional connection that was missing in my life. Still, he was my nephew, even if he wasn't a blood relation.
The next day again, Will and I returned to the tennis courts for another hitting session. Will's admission that my legs and short skirt were a distraction kept running through my head the previous night. Did he actually find his aunt attractive? I felt flattered, and I also wanted to raise his spirits since he was obviously still getting over his break-up. To be honest, the attention he gave me made me feel good. I just hoped his interest in me was real and not just fake politeness. I'm not sure if it was a smart decision, but I decided to wear a thong under my short tennis skirt today and maybe give him an extra glimpse of myself.
That day, I exerted myself even harder while hitting around, chasing after every shot, and scrambling like mad to give every chance for my short skirt to flip up and reveal myself. It was hard to tell while trying to focus on the tennis ball if Will noticed, but I could swear I caught him on several occasions quickly turning his head away, not wanting to get caught staring at me.
We ended up talking again on the ride back home.
"You hit the ball really well today, Aunt Diana."
"Thanks Will. I even took note from last time when you said my legs and skirt were distracting, and I tried to give you some extra distraction today, but you still easily out hit me."
"I noticed," Will started and then paused for a long second. "And it definitely was more of a distraction than yesterday. But I like your distractions," he said with a wink, as I eyed him playfully.
That evening I sat in the den watching TV with my husband, Carol, and Will. Will was definitely flirting with me, but it couldn't mean anything, could it? Then again, I had been just as guilty of creating the flirtatious environment with my thong and short tennis skirt. But what was my end goal? I mean, it was all just harmless fun, but, in the end, Will was still my nephew, and I was his aunt. Nothing more could ever come of it, could it? At first I thought no, but the more I thought about it, the less sure I became.
The next day I decided to up the ante even higher. Again I wore a short tennis skirt, but this time I opted for no panties. It seemed like a good idea as I got dressed but I started having second thoughts as soon as I descended the stairs from my bedroom and felt the air brushing against my shaved pussy. My skirt was so short it would take nothing to completely reveal myself. I carefully maneuvered around the house before we left, making sure not to inadvertently reveal myself in front of Carol.
After we arrived at the courts, the winds really picked up, and it made it difficult to hit the ball well. The whipping winds also constantly flipped my skirt up, and Will had many opportunities to get an eyeful of his aunt's bald beaver and ass that day. He didn't say anything while we were hitting, but the wind kicked strong enough there were several times the front or the back of my skirt flipped up and stayed up until the point ended before I had a chance to straighten it. Luckily, no one else was anywhere near the tennis courts, but it still felt odd, but thrilling, to be so openly brazen in public. The whole hitting session passed by quickly as I enjoyed the excitement of being on display, even as Will continued to easily blast baseline winners past me.
"Aunt Diana, can I ask you a question?" Will asked after we had finished and were driving back home.
"Of course, sweetie."
"Do you always dress like this when you play tennis?"
Crap, he called my bluff. It felt like one thing to tease him, but now he made it a discussion topic, which, who knows where this could lead. I wasn't sure if I was ready for this, but I had been stoking the fire, so I couldn't complain. My mind raced for a response as I blushed in excited embarrassment.
"Was it that obvious out there?" I responded, trying to feign innocent ignorance.
Will slowly nodded his head yes.
I sighed deeply. "I'm sorry if I made you feel awkward. Please don't tell your mother about it." It didn't occur to me till then how much I had risked with my stunt. If Will reported my actions back to Carol or my husband, I'd never hear the end of it.
"No, it's not like that," he reassured me. "I mean, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the show."
I breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm glad. My husband doesn't always give me a lot of attention, and I guess I just like feeling special and desirable for once."
"My uncle is a fool if he doesn't appreciate having a beautiful wife like yourself. If I had a wife like you at home..." Will's voice trailed off.
"If you had a wife like me - what?" I wanted to know.
"You'd always feel special and desirable," he asserted.
I flipped up my skirt to reveal my bald pussy as I drove on the busy thoroughfare back home. "You know, I'm older than your mom, right?"
Will licked his lips while eyeing my pussy. "What I see looks like perfection."
I immediately pulled over to the curb and stopped a few miles short of the house.
"Look, we're both obviously attracted to each other, but we have to set some ground rules," I said in earnest. "Number one, no one can know. Not your mother, not my husband, not anyone, not ever. Is that clear?"
He nodded. I wasn't sure if he really heard me or if he answered unconsciously since his eyes were transfixed on my exposed crotch.
Great, I thought to myself. He had seemed so mature and caring, I almost forgot he was a college freshman. I had a horny 18-year-old boy on my hands, but I realized I was just about as horny as he was in that moment. I bit my lip trying to figure out what to do next. My SUV's side and rear windows were heavily tinted. And this part of the road was still before my neighborhood, so the roadside was just treed land.
I reached over and grabbed his crotch. I saw the surprised look on his face as I ran my hands over the outside of his pants down over his shaft before cupping his balls. He was already rock hard. Oh, the wonders of youth. And then I slid my hand inside his shorts and wrapped it around his cock. His member bulged in my hand as I began to jerk him off.
"Slide your pants down," I whispered.
Will looked around nervously. There were some cars passing back and forth, but his horniness outweighed his shyness, and soon his shorts dropped to his ankles.
I leaned over and took him into my mouth. His crotch was hot and sweaty from our tennis practice, and the pungent odor momentarily deterred me, but his cock looked so enticing, I was determined to get him off. I ran my tongue up and down the length of his shaft, the saltiness of his sweat hitting my tongue.
As I worked over his member, he leaned over, and his hands began fondling my tits and fingering my pussy. The displaced air from the cars zooming past us on the road caused my SUV to shake, but I kept my lips pressed tightly to his shaft as I bobbed my head up and down on his cock.
Before I knew it, his body tightened, and he ejaculated into my mouth. I held his cock tightly between my lips as it pulsed several times, and more cum spilled out with each pulse onto my tongue. After he finally started to soften, I let him fall out of my mouth and wiped my mouth clean with my hands.
I looked over at Will with a mischievous grin as I looked at the drips of cum I had just wiped onto my hands. He looked stunned, still disbelieving that he received a blow job from his aunt.
I adjusted my top and flipped my skirt back down before I put the car back in drive.
"You should pull your pants back up, honey," I advised.
He obediently responded, and a few minutes later we arrived back home.
That night I treaded lightly. I felt awkward around Carol after having sucked off her son and avoided her as much as I could that evening. I could still taste Will's cum on my tongue as I exchanged pleasantries with Carol after returning home.
I went upstairs and showered as soon as I got in, but, afterward, I avoided looking at Will as much as possible out of fear Carol would notice the attraction in my eyes. On the other hand, I could swear that Will was shamelessly ogling me, oblivious to the risk of his mother's notice.
I avoided Carol that evening out of fear she might pick up on any hints. I didn't want any slips to give anything away -- flirtatious looks, inadvertent offhand comments, or even sexy signals we might try to covertly send. I joined them for dinner and laughed nervously at Carol's stories, but I feigned a headache and headed for bed as soon as the meal was done.
I laid in bed, my mind still a whirl in conflict. The naughtiness of our fling excited me. Will was a handsome, strong, young man and I couldn't wait to be alone with him again. On the other hand, I knew I was flirting with disaster if Carol or my husband ever found out.
The whole situation turned me on so much, I fingered myself in bed, imagining my body wrapped up in Will's arms. I still couldn't quite believe I'd been brazen enough to give him a blowjob in a car parked on the side of a busy road, and the excitement of that moment coupled with the anticipation of what tomorrow might bring left me highly aroused.
That night, my husband came home late from work again. Normally when he comes home that late, he just watches TV till he's ready for bed, but tonight, he approached me, wanting to canoodle. I was so turned on thinking about Will, I let my husband make love to me, but I imagined it was Will the whole time. My husband marveled at how wet and ready I was for sex, but if only he knew why. His self-centered mind probably assumed I was just that horny for him, desperately waiting for him to insert his cock into my pussy.
But that's just what he did. His cock slid inside me, and I imagined it was my nephew, even though I knew Will's cock was significantly thicker than my husband's member. Nevertheless, I was so horny, even my husband's smaller cock felt good inside me. Being older and out of shape, my husband doesn't last very long during sex, and he came in about two minutes, which left me still horny and wanting more. Nevertheless, my husband shut off the lights and promptly fell asleep. I was still naked in bed and left to surreptitiously finger myself to the mind-blowing orgasm I longed for as images of my nephew ran through my head.
As I slept naked in bed that night, I dreamed about Will. He entered my bed and caressed my naked body, and his hands quickly slid down to my pussy. He kissed the back of my neck, and my head leaned back into his body as his fingers slipped inside my slit. I quickly grew wet in my excitement, the sheets in that region becoming damp with my arousal. His fingers pulled back and reached for my clitoris, finding just the right spot, and my body goes limp as allow him to just have his way with me. The dream felt all so real as he crawled over to my feet, stood on his knees on the bed and then spread my legs wide before plunging his cock deep into my tingling pussy.
"Oh God!" I screamed loudly.
"Shh. Don't wake up my mom."
Suddenly, I realized it wasn't a dream, as my senses were shocked back to reality. My eyes shot open to the sight of Will hovering above, slowly pumping his cock into me. I panicked. What time is it? Was my husband still in bed? The bedroom was still darkened, but the first rays of daylight shown through the slats on the window blinds.
"Uncle left for work 10 minutes ago," Will whispered. "My mom always sleeps in till at least 9. I thought we could steal some time to play."
I mumbled an acknowledgement, still trying to process the situation. The clock read 7:07 AM. My husband leaves for work before 7. And Carol had slept in every morning so far. Maybe this could work, I reasoned.
As if I needed more encouragement, Will's cock had an immediate stimulating effect on me. Any concerns and defenses I had quickly evaporated, and I relaxed to focus on my pleasure. I couldn't help but contrast Will against my husband. His cock felt so much larger inside me, both stretching my pussy wider and penetrating deeper with every hip thrust. But everything else about him was so much more sleek and fit compared to my husband. His arms were wiry but hard, and his body had none of the pudginess that resulted from my husband's rich food intake and lack of exercise. I ran my hands over Will's backside, and his strong shoulders and firm buttocks felt so good on my fingertips as I wrapped my legs around him. He was so much more confident this morning as he took control of my body and drove me toward an orgasm.
It occurred to me that my husband had just made love to me last night. His cum was still in me, and Will was getting sloppy seconds to some extent. He didn't seem to be aware, or, if he could somehow tell, he certainly didn't seem to mind. He eagerly made love to me, his eyes staring into mine, burning a hole into my soul and hungrily gazing over my naked body. I tousled his hair as he leaned down to suck on my tit.
I was close to cumming but struggled to not make too much noise and wake his mom. Will's cock had my pussy at the edge of glory, and his tongue on my nipples only increased my arousal. I wanted to scream; I wanted to call out his name and tell him to fuck me harder. Nevertheless, my heavy breathing told him the effect he was having on me, and it turned him on even more, as he pounded even more vigorously into my pussy.
"Oh God, make me cum, please," I pleaded in a hushed hoarse whisper. "You feel so good inside me."
"Can I cum inside you?" he politely asked.
I kissed him tenderly on the lips before responding. "I wouldn't want it any other way."
Will had already lasted far longer than my husband last night, and he was close to bringing me to the climax that my husband failed to achieve last night. My muscles tightened and I stuffed the blanket in my mouth to keep from screaming as I closed my eyes and let the orgasm ripple through my body. When I opened them, Will was smiling down on me.
"It's so sexy watching you cum," he breathed.
His pace slowed as his own climax quickly approached. I wrapped my legs tighter around him and pulled him deeper into me as his throbbing cock exploded inside me, his warm sticky cum coating the inside of my pussy. After the last drops dribbled out of his cock into me, he collapsed on top, his tight chest in rough contrast to the fleshy mounds of my titties.
"That was incredible. I've never cum inside a woman before," he confessed, his breath short. "I always used a condom with my girlfriend."
"It's one of the benefits of being a little older," I admitted. "No chance of me getting pregnant, and I trust you're clean. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm glad you enjoyed me. I certainly enjoyed you."
"I should get dressed and get back to my room before my mom begins to suspect something."
I sighed, knowing he was right, but I was already scheming how to find us more time alone together. He would be heading back to college soon, so we had to make these few days count.

Author's note -- Diana's Tales is written in collaboration with Diana R. Part 1 of this series should be read first. Otherwise, enjoy.
After lunch, Will and I gathered our tennis gear and walked out the front door to my SUV.
"Have fun, son," Carol, my sister in law, called out to Will as we left. If only she knew how much fun he had in store.
Just hours earlier, Will, my 18-year-old nephew, made love to me, sneaking into my bedroom mere minutes after my husband, his uncle, had left the house to go to work. I spent the morning in anticipation of being alone with him again. His mother, Carol, surely would not approve of our relationship, so we'd have to steal away private moments where we could.
"I know I said I wanted to work on my tennis strokes, but all I can think about is making love to you, Aunt Diana," Will confessed as soon as we got in the car.
I winced. "You know, Will. Maybe you can just call me Diana when we're together."
"I'm sorry... Diana. Force of habit, I guess."
"It's alright; I understand. You know, I was thinking, there's an hourly motel a few miles away. Maybe we skip the tennis courts today," I suggested with a wink.
I smirked as his eyes grew wide as saucers, and he eagerly replied, "I'm game."
I put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway. A few minutes later we pulled into a nondescript motel. I paid in cash for a room for four hours. We'd practiced tennis for about 2 hours each of the previous 3 days, but we'd just have to tell Carol that we got a really good workout in today.
The motel desk man suspiciously eyed me, a 53-year-old woman accompanied by an 18-year-old boy, but he just took the money and then gave me a room key. It was a seedy motel, and normally I wouldn't be caught dead in someplace like this, but it suited our purposes. There was nothing glamorous or romantic about why we came here. I came here to fuck my 18-year-old lover.
We entered the room, and Will locked the door behind us while I closed the curtains. As soon as he turned around, I pushed him down on the bed and jumped on top. He looked startled at my aggressiveness as I pulled his tee shirt off and ran my hands over his smooth, hard chest. I smiled down as my short tennis skirt rode up, revealing the bikini cut panties I wore underneath.
"I'm surprised you wore panties," Will noted.
"It's alright. I figured they wouldn't last long before I was stripped naked," I playfully laughed in reply.
I slid back off the bed onto the floor and fell on my knees, pulling Will's athletic shorts with me as I went down. Will was left in his boxer briefs, his cock noticeably bulging and pulsing under the thin fabric. He was on the edge of the bed while I was on my knees on the floor, and I laid my head near his balls while my fingers reached back up to his chest. I slowly dragged my fingers down his chest, over his tight abs, and down to the band on his underwear. Then I hooked my fingers inside and pulled down his boxer briefs, and his hard cock popped up at attention.
I locked eyes with Will as I gave each one of his balls a hard suck before I leaned forward and took his cock in my mouth.
"Oh Diana," he cried out as his head fell back onto the bed.
I slobbered over his cock, slowly moving up and down on him and using my tongue like I was licking a popsicle. I kissed the head of his cock before I plunged back down, deep throating him, the tip of his cock bumping up against the back of my throat as his hands reached down to cradle the back of my head.
"Diana, that's so fucking sexy!" he screamed.
I knew in that moment he was mine. They say a woman gets no pleasure from giving a blow job, but that's not true. When I have a man's cock in my mouth, he's under my control. I may be on my knees serving him, but I hold all the power. If I stop pleasuring him, he'll give in to anything I demand just for me to wrap my lips around his cock again. I love that power. So many men are reduced to blithering fools when receiving a blow job, and Will was no different, as he continually marveled at how good the blow job felt.
As the first drops of precum dribbled from his cock onto my tongue, I let him fall out of my mouth, and I climbed up and sat on top of him on the bed. He lifted off my shirt, and I threw it to the side.
"A see thru bra. That is so sexy," he said as he eyed my c cup breasts, my areolas clearly visible through the sheer fabric.
"I knew we weren't going to end up at the tennis courts, so no need to wear a sports bra," I confessed. "So, I thought I'd wear something more.... alluring."
"Alluring is good," he agreed as his hands fondled my breasts.
I saw his eyes fixated on my prominent, hard nipples. Will lowered the bra straps off my shoulders, and then he pushed the bra cups down to free my titties. I felt them sag down a little, the effect of gravity on a 53-year-old woman's body, but Will didn't seem to lose any enthusiasm as he lifted his head to suck on my tits.
I ran my hands through his hair. This was almost too much, having a boy young enough to be my son suckling on my tits. Part of me was weirded out, but I was also turned on at the same time. I was sitting directly on his cock, and it pulsed under me while the wetness in my panties rubbed off on him.
His cock was poking at my slit, teasing my pussy. The thin fabric of my panties was the only thing preventing him from penetrating inside me.
I had an idea. I got up and collected the curtain rope tie backs.
"What's wrong?" he asked, sounding worried.
"Give me your hands."
He held them up. I took his right hand and tied it to the bedpost on the right side of the headboard, and then I tied his other hand to the left side of the headboard. His eyes widened as he realized what was happening.
"My Aunt Diana is a freak!" he exclaimed excitedly.
"Your aunt is about to drive her nephew to a mind-blowing orgasm," I knowingly corrected him.
I knelt on the bed in front of his cock as he lay spread eagle. I licked my tongue along the length of his shaft, and his cock was immediately responsive. I teased the head of his member for a few seconds with soft pecks from my lips before I started making my way up his body, sprinkling kisses along the way. From his hard abs to his hard chest and then his supple neck. I let my nipples drag across his body as I worked my way up, my nipples becoming hard with the erotic skin contact.
"Do you like my titties?" I cooed.
I sat up in front of him, letting my breasts hang in his face. He looked like a kid in a candy store as he leaned forward to bury his face between my tits. I lifted his chin with my right hand until he was looking into my eyes, and then our mouths touched in a long, slow, and deep kiss.
"Do you like my pussy?" I asked as the kiss broke.
"I love every inch of your body," he said with shortened breath.
I stood up on my knees and inched forward until my pussy was staring him in the face.
"Lean back," I ordered. He rested his head on the pillow and I sat on his face, smothering him in my sex organ.
I reached down to spread my lips as I pressed my pink flesh against his mouth, his tongue extended to reach for my clit. I was so turned on, my head fell back, and I sighed deeply as he lapped at my clitoris.
"That's it, baby. Suck on my clit," I encouraged him. He obliged, and, sensing the effect it was having on me, he doubled his efforts, applying even more pressure to my hypersensitive clit. My wetness flowed, coating his face as I continued to press my crotch into him.
He was the one who was tied up, but I was the one desperate in that moment. Desperate for Will to bring me to an orgasm. There was a tingling ball of passion quickly welling up inside me as I continued to grind my pussy into his face. His tongue faithfully teased my clit as I felt my legs begin to shake, the orgasm closing in. I felt the release coming closer and closer, and I moaned, desperate for the euphoric release of my orgasm. And then the dam burst, and my body was shaking as all the endorphins coursed through my body. I fell to my knees, my titties right in his face, and he took my left tit in his mouth, and another rush of instant arousal shot through my body.
"Oh, honey, you have no idea how good you make me feel!" I cried.
He smiled knowingly. Based on my wetness and my body's reaction, he knew exactly what effect he had on me.
As the orgasm finally started to fade, my body was still shaking, and my senses were still sensitive to the slightest touch. I raised my head, my hair all disheveled, and gave Will a smoky glare and smirk.
"I'm not done with you yet," I let him know.
I raised my pelvis up and slid my panties off, and then I lowered myself down on his cock. His cock pulsed, rising just enough that the head of his cock inadvertently slipped inside my dripping wet pussy.
"Oh my!" I exclaimed, thinking I was still going to tease him for a few more minutes before letting him enter me. Oh well, time to adapt.
I saw the smug look on his face as he realized what had happened. Even tied up, he managed to penetrate me when I didn't expect it. Not that I was complaining; his cock felt incredible inside me. I lowered myself down on him more, letting the full length of his shaft pierce my warm pussy. I was determined to wipe that smug look on his face. If he wanted a fucking, I'd give him a fucking.
"Are you ready for me," I whispered.
He nodded eagerly, a goofy grin on his face.
"Buckle up, cowboy," I warned him. And then I started riding him. Slowly at first, bobbing up and down on the full length of his shaft.
"Do you like my pussy?" I wanted to know.
"I love it," he replied.
"How much do you want it?"
"I fucking want it!" he screamed.
"But how bad do you want my pussy?" I insisted.
"Don't make me beg," he complained unconvincingly.
"And what if I do make you beg?"
"Then I'll beg. Just please fuck me!" he pleaded.
I laughed. I had him wrapped around my little finger as I started riding him harder. Soon, I was bouncing hard on him, riding him like a bronceing buck, my ass and thighs loudly slapping against his body as I slammed myself down on him. I was sitting up as I rode him, my titties bouncing freely.
I watched Will's body writhing in pleasure under me, his hands pulling against his restraints while his face contorted in what looked like pain, but the moans and cries coming from his mouth were undeniably of pleasure.
"Say my name!" I screamed.
"Aunt Diana! Oh God! Fuck me!" he answered.
"Do you like being fucked by your aunt?"
"Fuck, I do. I love it. I fucking love getting fucked by my aunt!"
"Are you going to cum inside your Aunt Diana again?"
"I'm so fucking turned on right now," he confessed.
"That's right, cum inside me, honey; go on, and shoot your load," I reassured him.
I was completely turned on myself. I stopped talking to fuck him even harder and drive him to an orgasm. He pulled on his restraints as he climaxed in a guttural grunt, his crotch thrusting upward to impale himself deep inside me as he released his load. I slowed down as I felt his cock slowly soften inside me until he finally slipped out.
"Oh God, that was incredible," he sighed.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it."
"I can't believe how you took control of everything," Will said.
We laid silently on the bed, both recovering from the intense and passionate sex.
"I never imagined this week would end up like this," he continued.
"What? That you'd spend the week fucking your 53-year-old aunt?"
"Yeah, that. But I'm glad that.... that..."
"That you fucked your 53-year-old aunt," I said, finishing his thought with a laugh.
Will just smiled.
"It's ok, I know what you mean," I conceded. "I didn't expect to get laid by my nephew this week."
"Does Uncle really treat you that bad?" Will asked with a touch of concern.
"You see how he is this week, right?" I replied. "Always at work, never at home. Half the time he's on the road. Does it look like he's there for me?"
"No, I guess not. Do you still love him? I mean, you're kind of cheating on him. Do you think he's cheating on you? Maybe that's why he always says he's at work."
"I used to wonder, but I don't know anymore," I confessed. "I mean, he's neglectful, but he's not bad to me or anything. But he's just away half the time, and it leaves me lots of time to myself. Or lots of time to be with you this week."
"You're such a sexy woman. You have a banging body," Will complimented me.
"You know, we can't be anything after this week, right," I said skeptically. "You're going back to college, hours and hours away."
"I know," he said. "But it's the first time in weeks I've forgotten about my ex. Thank you for that."
"It's my pleasure - literally," I said, laughing. "But I know I can't compete with the young girls back at your college."
"I don't know about that Aunt Diana. My ex was always mousey during sex. I can't believe how you took control there, shoving me on the bed, pinning me down, and then riding me till I came. It was so sexy."
"You liked that? You liked me taking control?"
Will nodded his head.
"It's not too intimidating for you being under the command of a strong woman?"
"Are you kidding me? It was the biggest turn-on. Besides, it seems like it was just this morning I had you under me."
I laughed. "Touché. It was just this morning," I sighed. "Is this all crazy? It's like we're living a fantasy."
"What do you mean a fantasy?" Will inquired.
"Do you really think we'll be anything after this week?"
Will's shoulders slumped. "I guess I hadn't really thought that far ahead. I'm enjoying the hell out of the present, though."
I shook my head. "It's ok. I know both of us are consumed by lust right now. You're thinking with your dick. Truth be told, I've been thinking with my pussy. But I'm not leaving your Uncle, and you're still going back to college."
"You've got me spoiled, you know," Will told me. "You're going to be a tough act to follow for any other girls."
"Thank you. You're making an old woman feel good. But as young and handsome as you are, you'll do just fine. You're going to make some young lady really happy someday."
"Till then, how about I keep making an old woman feel good?" he insisted.
I grinned. "What do you have in mind?"
"I'm thinking maybe we switch roles."
"That's not too tight, is it?" Will asked as he finished tying my hands to the bedposts with the curtain ropes. Will took the extra step of blindfolding me by knotting my discarded top around my head and over my eyes, so I was left blind.
I heard him moving around the room, and the anticipation of what he would do to me had my pussy tingling with excitement. His fingers ran down my thighs all the way to my feet. Then he ran his hand through my hair and then over my face, tracing the curves of my cheeks and chin with his fingers. My body was shaking as his hands, calloused from so much time gripping a tennis racket contrasted with the soft skin on my body.
His hands fell to my breasts, circling around each and then teasing my nipples. My arms were spread, and I spread my legs, basically inviting him to take my body as he pleased. And then I felt his tongue flit at my nipples, and they hardened in response as he took my breast in his mouth. I moaned softly as I felt his cock, already hard again, brush against my leg below.
One hand of his ran up and down my back while the other was inching its way up my leg, past my knee and inner thigh to my vagina. I felt my wetness dripping onto the sheets under me in anticipation.
"Maybe it's your turn to beg now," he whispered in my ear.
I was game. "Oh God, yes. Please."
"But what are you begging for? Is it for me to touch you like this?" His hand pinched my nipples, and I moaned.
"Or what about here?" he asked as his other hand stroked my pussy. In that moment, I was so turned on, my entire body felt like an erogenous zone, but he was striking at my most sensitive bits. I squirmed slightly, not from any pain, but just from the pleasure shooting through my body. The slightest touch against my skin felt like it could send me over the edge, and I was putty in his hands.
Will toyed with me. A touch here, a touch there. Down the length of my arms and legs. His lips on the back of my neck. I was helpless with my hands tied, and I loved every second of it, knowing that I was his plaything and at his disposal. I wanted him to use me, to be subjected to his every whim and desire.
With my eyes blindfolded, I was attuned to any indications of his movement. A shift in the bed, the sound of sheets ruffled, his breath on my skin. Just a little bit earlier he was at my mercy, and now the tables were completely turned, and I was completely at his.
"Open your mouth," he commanded me, and I obliged.
I was rewarded with his cock on my lips. I eagerly took him in, letting every inch of him slide thru my lips as he quickly hardened while slowly fucking my mouth.
"That's a good girl," Will intoned.
After I'd slobbered over his cock and got him nice and hard, he pulled back, and I knew what was next. Will raised my spread legs into the air, but he was still teasing me, similar to how I'd teased him earlier.
My pussy tingled in anticipation; I could almost feel my pussy lips reaching out, trying to spread themselves out and beg Will to enter.
Will tapped the head of his cock against my pussy, but he didn't penetrate me. I've been called a cock tease in the past, but he was truly being a pussy tease in the moment, driving me crazy in lust.
"Just put it in me, baby," I begged him.
He slapped his hard cock against my pussy a couple more times and laughed. "You want me inside you?"
"Yes please, put your cock inside me."
"Does my Aunt Diana want her nephew's cock in her pussy?"
He was being so dirty and impertinent. "Oh Jesus. Fuck yeah, I do. Please, I'm so ready," I responded. My pussy was like a dripping faucet by this point, but he just continued to tap his hard, delicious cock against my swollen labia a few more times.
"I don't know. What do I get out of it?" he asked in wonder.
"My God. You get me, all of me," I pleaded. "To do with as you please. Isn't that enough?"
"How about you promise to visit me tonight and fuck me while my mom and Uncle are in the house?" Will proposed.
The little devil. But he had me on a string. I knew I'd probably regret it, but in that moment, I didn't care. "Fine. I'll fuck you tonight. Just please fuck me right now," I pleaded.
"One more thing," he added.
The fucker. What else did he want? "You've been avoiding my mom and me at home," Will continued. "You won't hide in your room anymore. You'll be out with my mom and me, but you'll wear your shortest skirt. And no bra or panties."
He tapped his still rock-hard cock against my sensitive pussy a few more times, and I couldn't take the teasing anymore. I needed his cock inside me; I would've agreed to anything.
I took a deep breath, realizing what a big risk I was committing to. "For the love of God, just fuck me already! I'll do it! I swear!"
Still blindfolded, I could only imagine the goofy shit-eating grin plastered on Will's face. I had a split second to really consider what I promised him. How would I fuck Will with my husband and sister-in-law at home without them noticing? Even worse, how could I flaunt myself right in front of them without them catching on to my inappropriateness.
All of those concerns were immediately washed away as Will thrust his cock deep into me, and my mind was consumed by nothing but the 7 inches of cock buried inside. Will's balls were pushed hard against my sex organ, and Will held himself at full thrust inside me for several seconds, his cock pulsing inside my pussy as it was wrapped around his member like a glove.
My hands were still restrained, tied to the bedpost. I pulled, wanting to wrap my arms around him, but all I could do was lay helplessly as he pushed my legs back so far, my ankles were almost at my ears.
Then he started fucking me, finally giving me the cock he'd been teasing for so long. God, he felt good inside me. I could only imagine how obscene my body must've appeared to Will. My arms and legs fully spread, and my breasts and pussy fully exposed, there was no part of me still left to his imagination. My entire body was on display and spread for his full access and enjoyment.
My pussy was so wet, he easily slid in and out, his cock making my body quiver in pleasure as it rubbed against my labia and moved in and out. I slowed my breathing, wanting to feel every inch of him throbbing inside me.
"Are you ready?" he asked.
"Ready for what," I whispered hoarsely.
"To be fucked like the slut you are."
I shuddered at the obscene truth he uttered. Will released my ankles, and I kept my legs spread back, but bent at the knees as I felt him lower his body on top of me. His hard chest pressed against my titties, his breath falling on me as he started thrusting.
I couldn't see or move my arms, but I wrapped my legs around him and started screaming, the only release I could find for the pent-up sexual tension inside me. Will had me on the cusp of an orgasm with all his teasing before he even penetrated me, I was already close to cumming as he started pounded my pussy.
He fucked me like an animal. There was no longer any pretense of tenderness or love; this was pure unadulterated raw carnal fucking. I came quickly, screaming as the orgasm vibrated through my body. And still, Will continued unabated, fucking me silly. He fucked me into submission as I surrendered to his cock, letting him drive me to a second and third orgasm. I marveled thinking how my husband could seemingly barely last a few minutes anymore. And here, Will, was going to cum inside me for the third time since this morning. Oh, the wonders of youth.
And still he pounded my pussy, slamming his crotch into mine so hard with every thrust, the sound of skin slapping on skin reverberated throughout the room. My voice grew hoarse and raspy from screaming so much, which only seemed to heighten Will's arousal. The harder I screamed, the harder and faster he fucked me until I started losing my voice.
Finally, Will started to slow up, his own orgasm finally coming to a climax. I wrapped my legs around him, helping to drive him into me with every thrust. My body was exhausted, but I wanted to see this through to his climax. His lips touched mine, and our tongues danced as his cock exploded inside me, his cum spurting out inside my pussy as he finally stopped pounding me to shoot his full load.
As he pulled out of me, the tension in my body finally relaxed and I collapsed down onto the bed in exhaustion.
A few minutes later, my hands were finally freed from the restraints, and I lifted the blindfold off my eyes. Will was sitting at the foot of the bed, smiling. Behind him was a dresser, and I squinted as I caught my reflection in the mirror. I gasped at my appearance, the messy hair, the sweat on my body, and the cum dribbling out of my pussy.
My reflection hit me like a sobering dose of reality. What had I gotten myself into? I knew we had to return home soon, but how could I face my sister-in-law looking like this? And then I remembered my promises to Will in the heat of passion. I had to have sex with him tonight with my husband and his mother in the house. And I had to parade around the house in a short skirt and without any underwear. This was disaster waiting to happen.
"Are you ok? I wasn't too rough on you, was I?" Will asked, sounding genuinely concerned.
I shook my head. "No, I have to say, I enjoyed it quite a bit, in case you couldn't tell."
He just laughed as he got up to start fishing around for his clothes. "We should probably be returning home soon. My mom will be wondering how long we can practice."
I got up to do the same and gathered my clothes together in a small pile on the bed when Will swiped my bra and panties.
"No underwear," he reminded me.
I sighed. It was going to be an interesting last few days before he left to go back home.
How was tennis?" Carol beamed as soon as Will and I walked in the door. "Diana, it looks like my boy really gave you a workout."
Carol was right in a sense. Her son, my 18-year-old nephew, Will, had really given me a workout. The workout just had nothing to do with tennis and everything to do with sex. I cleaned myself up as well as I could before we left the motel, but my hair was still a mess, and I reeked the unmistakable stench of sex. Still dressed in a short tennis skirt with no panties, I left a small cum stain on my driver's seat since I was only wearing a short tennis skirt with no panties. Will's cum must've dribbled out of me while I drove us back.
I just smiled shyly, unable to come up with an appropriate response. I wanted to run upstairs and shower again and change, but I had stupidly promised Will two things while in the throes of passion. One, that I would wear short skirts with no bra or panties, and two, that I wouldn't hide in my bedroom from Carol and Will.
Every time I saw Carol, I felt guilt-stricken for the sexual relationship with her son. That said, the only way to confront a problem is head on, so maybe this part of my promise wasn't such a bad thing, I reasoned. For the other part of the promise, my tennis skirt was as short or shorter than anything else in my closet, so I decided there was no use in changing. I was just very conscious how close my bald pussy and ass were to being revealed. I enjoyed flashing Will, but I didn't want Carol to realize I was sans panties. I knew my actions would seriously hurt her if she found out, but I enjoyed the thrill, and Will filled an emptiness in me that my husband couldn't seem to fill. That said, I couldn't afford to get caught. Carol was a good friend, and I didn't want to lose her friendship or my marriage over this dalliance.
"Mom, Aunt Diana, she's even been teaching me some new things," Will told his mom. He threw me a sly wink when his mother's head was turned.
"That's nice, son. Diana, I can't thank you enough for taking time to go 1 on 1 with my son this week."
I knew what she meant, but God, she had no idea. "It was my pleasure," I responded politely. Truer words were never spoken.
My husband came home from work on time for once, and we all sat together for dinner a few hours later. I'd spent the afternoon making conversation with Carol and became more relaxed around her again. It was obvious she didn't suspect anything illicit was going on between her son and myself, so we settled into just catching up on all the family gossip. I kept a throw pillow on my lap while sitting on the couch, trying to make sure not to accidentally expose myself, although I tried to find opportunities to flash Will whenever Carol left to get water or a snack.
At dinner, the conversation continued to flow naturally. My husband opened a bottle of wine, and Carol, my husband, and myself all grew a little tipsy. I saw Will to the side, his gaze fixed on me, and I was reminded I needed to figure out how to visit him tonight for sex without my husband or Carol becoming aware. My pussy moistened at the prospect of being with Will again.
After dinner, we watched a movie on Netflix and talked some more before we all decided to retire to bed. After we closed the door to our room, my husband locked it and warned, "You know, you have to be careful parading around without a bra or panties."
My body froze, and the hair on the back of my neck raised up in fear. Crap, I was busted.
"I love how you spent the whole evening teasing me and turning me on," he continued. "I was ready to take you at the dinner table, but I figured that'd be rude with my sister and nephew standing right there."
I processed his warning and breathed a sigh of relief; he thought I dressed like this for him. The innocent buffoon. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. You've been working so hard lately, honey, I thought you could use the distraction."
"Believe me, I enjoyed the view. Just be careful. I don't know how Carol or Will would take it if they caught on."
"Oh God no!" I exclaimed in feigned horror. "That'd be so embarrassing."
"As large as your nipples are, it's really obvious when you don't wear a bra, you know," he chuckled. "But I loved catching glimpses of your pussy every time you moved in your seat. Now how about we move past the teasing to real action."
I panicked. I was supposed to have sex with Will after my husband fell asleep later tonight, but I didn't want to be dripping my husband's cum out of my pussy onto Will. I had to figure out a way out of this mess.
"Honey, why don't you lay down on the bed and let me freshen myself up for you?" I said breezily as I sashayed over to our walk-in closet for a quick change.
"What did I do to deserve you?" my husband wondered aloud, but if only he knew my real motivation.
I emerged from our closet a minute later dressed in nothing but a completely sheer short black negligée.
His eyeballs nearly bugged out of his sockets at the sight of me. With no bra or panties, my tits and pussy were on full display. "Just lay back and let me take care of you," I said in my sexiest voice. "You've been working hard. You should relax." My hands undid his dress slacks and slid them off. As I slid his boxers down, his cock spilled out, still soft and limp.
I easily wrapped my hands around his cock and started jerking him off to get him hard.
"I'm glad you noticed how I flaunted my body for you tonight," I said, trying to reinforce his belief that my actions were all for him.
"Just be careful," my husband cautioned me. "My nephew, Will, is a young man now. Guys in college, they're horn dogs. If he catches a glimpse of that pussy under your skirt, God knows how he might react. We wouldn't want him to think his respectable Aunt Diana is a slut, would we?"
I laughed uncomfortably. Too late, I thought. Will already knew better than anyone else what a slut I was.
I proceeded to give my husband a blow job, but all I could think about the whole time was Will. I found myself contrasting every physical aspect of my husband against Will. It wasn't a fair comparison, really, contrasting an 18-year-old collegiate athlete against an overweight middle-aged man. My husband wasn't obese, but he was definitely overweight and out of shape. I looked at his round belly and the extra flab on this arms and legs, and it just made me long for Will's trim and toned physique. After all, I worked hard to keep myself in shape and toned; didn't I deserve someone who put as much care and effort into their body?
Predictably, my husband got hard fast, but he didn't last long. I couldn't help but notice his cock felt smaller in my mouth than Will's. Still, I dutifully sucked him off, and soon he splattered a few shots of cum inside my mouth. As his cock quickly softened inside my mouth, I let him slip out, and I swallowed his load clean.
After shooting his load, my husband, satisfied, quickly dozed off to sleep on the bed. I, on the other hand, went to go brush my teeth and use some mouthwash to wash the cum out of my mouth before going to visit Will. My husband's a heavy sleeper, and I figured it'd be safe to sneak away from my trust once he fell into a deep sleep.
After 30 minutes, my husband's unmistakable snoring indicated he was sleeping soundly. I went to the closet and grabbed a robe. I couldn't chance running into Carol dressed in nothing but a completely see-thru negligée while surreptitiously going to visit her son.
As I opened the bedroom door and entered the hallway, I heard the TV blasting from Karen's room. That noise should provide some cover, I thought. I took it as a good sign as I nervously crept down the hall and softly knocked on Will's room. It felt like an eternity before he opened the door, and I quickly whisked myself into the room as soon as the door opened wide enough.
"I wasn't sure if you'd really go through with it," Will whispered.
"Lock the door," I said as I motioned with my hands.
As he did, I let the robe fall to the carpet. Will's jaw dropped to the floor at the sight of me dressed in nothing but the sheer black negligée.
"You said wear a short dress and no underwear. How is this?" I asked, hoping not to disappoint my young lover.
"I -- um -- you look amazing," he stammered.
I grabbed him by the shoulders and backed him onto the bed, pushing him down on the mattress and crawling on top of him.
"How do you want me?" I asked as I straddled his body.
"Surprise me," he said, his hands reaching up to fondle my titties.
"Take off your pants," I directed him.
Will quickly pulled off his pants and underwear, and I noticed he didn't need any extra effort to get hard like my husband did. Will was obviously ready to go.
"Jesus, you're already wet," Will observed excitedly, the wetness on my crotch rubbing off on him.
"I've been thinking about this ever since we left the motel," I confessed.
"You know, I can't believe you walked around in that tennis skirt all afternoon and through dinner with no panties on."
"Well, you made me," I reminded him.
"As if you couldn't have refused."
"Maybe I enjoyed it as much as you did," I admitted.
I took his cock in my hand and directed him inside me, his rod parting my pussy as it penetrated deep into me. I love riding on top during sex. A man's cock just naturally rubs against my clit in that position, and I orgasm so easily. I looked down as I bounced lightly on his cock and took the entire length of his shaft inside, letting him fill my pussy. I squeezed my pussy tight against his member, and his cock pulsed in response to the extra pressure.
"God, that feels so fucking good," Will sighed.
I knew his mother was right next door, and my husband was just a little further down the hall, but that danger seemingly drove my arousal even harder. It was one thing to be secluded away in a motel or the security of my car, but this was carrying on our illicit affair right under their noses. Will had surprised me in my bedroom that morning, and we made love while his mother lay asleep down the hall, but, this time, there was no surprise. It wasn't Will acting on his own before I had time to react and understand what was happening. Tonight I made a conscious decision to leave my husband and come to my nephew's room to carry on an affair everyone but Will and myself would condemn.
I tried hard to stay quiet, but my own excitement took over my better senses. I pinned Will's arms down on the bed and let my tits swing freely, my nipples dragging back and forth across his chest as I rode his cock.
"My aunt is such a naughty slut," Will whispered.
I was so turned on; I bounced on him so hard the bed frame came off the ground and the headboard banged against the wall. Ever since we left the motel, my mind was consumed with getting his cock back inside me, and now that I had it, I was in ecstasy, uttering a series of sex-fueled epithets.
"Oh God, I'm a slut. Fuck me like the slut I am."
"Make me cum, baby, I want to cum so badly, oh please, make me cum."
Meanwhile, Will stared knowingly into my eyes, clearly enjoying the effect he had on me. He seemingly grew larger inside me as I continued riding him, my pussy lips easily sliding over and taking in his 7 inches of cock. I shuddered as Will slapped my ass, and, unable to contain it any longer, my orgasm burst out, and I came as I kept pounding on Will's cock, trying to pull every ounce of pleasure I could summon from the orgasm.
Will was so turned on watching my orgasm, he also came in very short order, shooting his load inside me. I finally slowed down as his cock softened. I love feeling a man's cock softening inside me after he's filled my pussy full of his seed.
"Fuck, you're a hot little slut," Will exclaimed afterward.
"I should be offended, but thank you," I politely acknowledged.
"I love the fact you're such a slut."
"You'd sleep with any girl that spread her legs for you, wouldn't you?" I countered.
"That's not true. You're a gorgeous woman. And you're cool to talk to and hang out with."
"You sure you're not just a horny guy desperate enough to sleep with just anyone? Even your 53-year-old aunt."
"It's not like that," Will replied defensively.
"It's ok. We've got two more days before you fly back home," I said, trying to strike a more conciliatory tone. "I'm obviously enjoying it, too. How about we make the next two days as fun as today was?"
"Deal. And hey. Remember you promised. Short skirts and no underwear," Will reminded me.
I laughed, but I nodded to acknowledge our deal. I was tempted to stay in Will's bed and lie in his arms longer, but I couldn't risk my husband waking up and realizing I was missing. I needed to sneak back into bed with him.
Reluctantly, I got up from his bed and carefully unlocked and opened his bedroom door. I was still dressed in nothing but the sheer negligée, but the coast looked clear, and I quickly tiptoed back to my room, silently opening and closing my bedroom door. My husband was still snoring away as I slipped under the blankets ,my pussy still tingling as I dreamt about my young lover down the hall.
In the morning, my husband's alarm woke me, and I couldn't get back to sleep with all the noise he made getting ready for work. After he left, I went down to the kitchen to start fixing breakfast. I secretly hoped that Will might pay another early morning visit, but he seemed to be sleeping in this morning. Of course, he did have a late-night visitor, so maybe his need to sleep in wasn't surprising.
Around 9 AM, Carol came out and joined me in the kitchen.
"Good morning," I greeted her, although I did a double-take as I realized Carol was dressed in my robe, the robe I suddenly realized I'd inadvertently left in Will's room last night.
"Good morning, Diana. I hope you don't mind, but I borrowed your robe. At least I assume it's yours. I went in Will's room to check on him, but he was still sleeping, and I saw this on the floor. I was so cold, I grabbed it and put it on."
I breathed a sigh of relief. Carol didn't seem to suspect anything . "It's no problem. I'm glad it's keeping you warm," I reassured her.
Carol spoke hesitantly, "Diana, I hope you don't mind me saying, but there's something that's bothering me."
I panicked. Maybe she did know about me and her son.
"I heard you last night. Having sex," Carol told me. "It was really loud. I was almost asleep when I heard you in the .... the throes of passion."
I almost died inside. She knew. How could I explain myself? There was no good way out.
"Look, I'm really glad that you and my brother have an active sex life," Carol continued. "I know that Will is older and in college now, but he's still an innocent boy, and I don't want him exposed to too much sex and all. I hope you understand, so maybe you can keep it on the down low until we leave Sunday morning."
I sat stunned, but I appeared to have dodged a major bullet. "Uh, yeah... yeah.... I can do that," I stammered.
"I really don't want it to be awkward between us," Carol assured me. "I won't speak of it again, but if you could do that for me, I'd really appreciate it."
I breathed the biggest sigh of relief, having thought for sure she had figured out my secret. She got it half right. She caught me having sex. It's just, she didn't realize she'd overheard me having sex with her son and not my husband.
True to her word, Carol didn't bring it up again, and we settled into a normal conversation. Will woke up 30 minutes later and joined us. We spent the morning playing some board games. With Carol hanging around us the whole time, Will and I couldn't do anything more than steal flirtatious glances when she wasn't looking, although I managed to flip up my skirt to flash my shaved pussy to Will a few times.
After lunch, Will and I changed into our tennis outfits and were ready to leave for another tennis session, er, sex session, at the motel down the way.
Then, out of nowhere, Carol called out, "I'd like to come out with you guys and watch. You don't mind, do you?"
Will and I both looked at each other in bewilderment. I'd spent the entire morning looking forward to another marathon sex session with my nephew, but I didn't see a way out of this one.
"Are you sure? It's still a bit cool outside," I tried to dissuade her. "Besides, we're just hitting ground strokes. It's nothing exciting to watch."
"Nonsense. I can wear a light jacket," Carol insisted. "It's fine outside, and I love watching my son play, and I'd love to watch the two of you hitting together. You guys have been going out all week to practice. I'd love to see how those practices have been going."
"Oh, I'm really no match for your son, Carol. Our practice sessions are very one sided since he's so much better than me."
"That's ok. I just want to get out of the house for a while."
I tried to hide my heavy sigh. "Of course, you're welcome to come along, Carol," I finally answered. "We'd love to have you out there with us."
30 minutes later, Will and I were getting our rackets out of our bags and popping open a new can of tennis balls. Carol was sitting on a bench just outside where players wait for courts to open when they're full, although it was daytime during work hours, and we were the only ones there. It was windy, though, and I couldn't imagine how much trouble I'd have maintaining my modesty. I still had no panties under my tennis skirt, and Carol would figure out pretty quickly I wasn't wearing any panties if I had to run hard after anything.
"Take it easy with me," I whispered to Will. "Just hit it up the middle, nothing to the corners. No short shots to draw me in, no offensive lobs. If I have to run too much, she'll see I don't have any underwear."
Will had been silent the entire drive, a defeated look on his face. Instead of being holed up in a motel room getting his fuck on, he was back out on the tennis courts, being watched over by his mom.
Carol, meanwhile, seemed oblivious to her son's disappointment and cheerily encouraged us from the sidelines. Nevertheless, Will was obviously taking it easy on me, hitting everything right up the middle to me. I was thankful; everything he hit was easily within reach, so I didn't have to run down any balls. I just had to be careful not to expose myself while picking up the stray balls.
Unfortunately for Will, I didn't have as good of control on the shots coming back to him, and they sprayed around more, but he didn't have to
Comments ( 1 )
`s avatar Anonymous 834 days ago

Store was well put together descriptions of the characters were good and it flowed very evenly and they're still room for a follow up story and it can expand greatly good work