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Who the hell is Dave Nelson? He must be blind because I certainly see Hazel Tucker's sexy cock. I am a 25 year old gay student working toward a masters degree in sociology. I started sucking cocks when I was only 15, but have only recently started taking cocks in my ass. I missed a lot of exciting times by only sucking for almost 10 years. I like Hazel's cock because it isn't too big for me to comfortably take it in my ass. I had two big cock guys within the past month really hurt my ass when they fucked me. My ass was sore for days after. Bring on small or medium size cocks for me. Randy Smithfield

I was expecting to see 2 hot transsexual and one "lady" appears and one dud. When did Hazel lose her sexy cock? One of the joys I get watching tranny porn is looking at the cocks and dreaming what I could do if I were to ever meet the cock totting "lady". I guess it all boils down to "no cock - no thrill. Shame on you. Dave Nelson

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