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Bonnie and I have been in a relationship for 26 years. Bonnie is 48 and still teaching. I am 55 and a recently retired teacher. We are both happy to see attractive lesbian our age instead of younger ladies. We met when we both taught in the same school. It was not the meeting of 2 lesbians, but rather 1 lady being assigned to mentor a new teacher. I lived alone and Bonnie was looking for a place so I invited her to live with me until she found her own. After living with me for about 5 or 6 weeks she stopped looking and has lived with me ever since. We each realized that the other was a lesbian and that started our relationship.. Our relationship is about sharing. We share the rent, utilities, groceries and even good times or bad times. Sex is important to us, but it is not what our relationship is totally about. We share to same bed and neither of us initiates anything unless we are both in the mood. We use no toys or devices in sex, but only those things we were born with. Our relationship is truly about sharing and communication with our partner. Gladys and Bonnie