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When I was a kid I remember my teen sister being brought into my parents room naked. Through the keyhole I could see there was other men there. My mother was also there she was naked with high heels on and she was directing the men what to do. First my sister and my mother would suck all the mans cocks. Then I would hear my sister moaning and groaning and I will look through the keyhole and see her getting fucked by big dicks. One time I witnessed her getting fucked by my father and the door was wide open and their head was hanging off the bed and she looked at me as I went past the room her eyes look like a mix of pain and lost as she was mid orgasm. Years later I would talk about this with my sister and she used to tell me how much she loved it and then she proceeded to blow me. She said she always want to fuck me and has even offered To have sex with me and my wife. She said she lives away my wife wears high heels and how she wants to eat her pussy. Please comment

Je me souviendrai toujours de mon premier gangbang: j'avais 22 ans et étais un peu pompette mais lucide et consentante. 4 copains m'ont baisée par tous mes trous après que je les aie tous sucés. Puis ils m'ont couverte de sperme et je l'ai avalé. Une soirée formidable! C'était il y a plus de trente ans. Depuis, mon compagnon et moi sommes membres d'un club libertin où je me fais baiser en gangbang chaque week-end